در هر یک از بخشهای آزمون آیلتس، سوالات رایج و پرتکراری وجود دارد. آشنایی با این سوالات موجب میشود داوطلبان آمادگی بیشتری برای رویارویی با این آزمون داشته باشند. همچنین آشنایی با این سوالات در کسب نمرۀ مطلوب نیز موثر است.
علاوه بر این، داوطلبان با مطالعۀ این سوالات با آسودگیخاطر و به دور از استرس در این آزمون آماده میشوند و آمادگی برخورد با هر سوالی در این آزمون را دارند. این امر باعث میشود داوطلبان، افق دیدی کلی برای پاسخ به هر سوال نیز داشته باشند.
اگر در حال طی کلاس آیلتس آنلاین هستید و با سوالات رایج اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنایی ندارید، این مطلب برای شماست؛ با ما همراه باشید!
مطالب مرتبط:
چگونه برای آیلتس کامپیوتری آماده شویم؟
در این مطلب خواهید خواند:
سوالات اسپیکینگ مربوط به معارفه و آشنایی
بخش اعظم از سوالات اسپیکینگ مربوط به بخش اول این بخش و سوالات مربوط به معارفۀ ابتدای اسپیکینگ است. در ادامه مهمترین سوالات این بخش را ذکر میکنیم:
Can you tell me where you live?
Do you work or study?
What do you do in your free time?
این ویدیو بیشتر شما را با روند سوالات این بخش آشنا میکند.
سوالات رایج اسپیکینگ آیلتس
همانطور که اطلاع دارید سوالات بخش دوم این آزمون موسوم به کیو کارت است. چرا که کارتهایی به داوطلبان داده میشود که سوالاتی در زمینههای مشخص را شامل میشود. داوطلبان یک دقیقه فرصت دارند تا در حدود دو دقیقه دربارۀ آن سوال صحبت کنند.
موضوعات این بخش کاملا تصادفی هستند و قابل پیشبینی نیستند. موضوعات بخش دوم شامل موضوعاتی است که به طور معمول هر کسی در جهان میتواند دربارۀ آنها صحبت کند. در ادامه به برخی از این سوالات اشاره میکنیم:
Describe a time when you were really proud of yourself.
Talk about a hobby that you enjoy
Tell me about a place that you have visited that you really like

سوالات مربوط به بخش سوم
در بخش سوم اسپیکینگ، ممتحن سوالات دقیقتری در مورد بخش دوم و کیوکارتها میپرسد. دقت کنید سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس، سوالاتی انتزاعی هستند و شباهتی بسیار با تسک ۲ رایتینگ آیلتس دارد. در ادامه به برخی از سوالات رایج این بخش اشاره میکنیم:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking up a new hobby?
Do you think people should return to their hometowns after finishing school or university?
What are the benefits of living in a big city?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع تبلیغات
در ادامۀ این مطلب به موضوعاتی گوناگون اشاره میکنیم و سوالات مربوط به هر یک از این موضوعات را ذکر میکنیم:
Do you like watching advertisements?
Will you buy something because of an advertisement?
How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?
Do you like funny or serious advertisements?
What makes a good advertisement?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع حیوانات
What types of animals do you have in your country?
What types of animals are kept as pets in your country?
Do you think animals should be kept in zoos?
Do you have any animals in your home as a pet?

Did you have a pet when you were a child?
Would you like to have a pet in the future?
Do you have a pet?
What types of animals do you think make the best pets?
Why do people have pets?
Should dogs be left in the house alone while their owners are at work?
Is there any type of animal that you think should not be kept as a pet?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع تولد
What did you usually do on your birthday when you were a child?
How do you normally celebrate your birthday now?
Is your birthday now still as important to you as when you were a child?
Do you think it’s important to give someone a card when it’s their birthday?
Do you think the price of gifts/presents is important?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع کتاب
Do you like reading books? Why?
How often do you read?
Do you have many books at home?
Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them?
What are the benefits of reading?
What book would you take on a long journey?
How easy is it for you to read books in English?
Have you given up reading a book recently?
What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t like reading very much?
What kinds of books do you like to read?
What is the best book you’ve ever read?
Is reading books a popular activity in your country?
Do you think that electronic books / eReaders are better than real books

مطالب مرتبط:
توصیف خانه ایدهآل در اسپیکینگ آیلتس
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع فشن و مد
What is your favorite item of clothing?
Are there any traditional clothes in your country?
Where do you usually purchase your clothes?
Have you ever bought clothes online?
Were you interested in fashion when you were a child?
Is fashion important to you now?
What types of clothes are fashionable for young people in your country these days?
Does fashion change for people as they get older?
Who do you usually take photos of?
How do you keep your photos?
Do you keep your photographs on your computer?
Have you framed any of your photos?
Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?
Are there any photos on the walls of your home?

سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع رویا
Do you dream much at night?
Do you often remember your dreams?
Do you think we can learn anything from dreams?
Do people in your country talk about their dreams?
Do you think that dreams can come true?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع تمرین
Do you do much exercise?
Do you do more exercise now than when you were a child?
Do people in your country do a lot of exercise?
What do you think is the best exercise to keep fit?
Have the types of exercise people like to do changed since you were a child?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع غذا
Do you enjoy cooking?
What type of things can you cook?
What kinds of food are popular in your country?
Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties?
Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own?
Do you have a healthy diet?
Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
Do you like ordering food to be delivered?
Who do you get food delivered with?
Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع زادگاه
Where is your hometown?
What do you like about it?
What do you not like about it?
Is there any way your hometown could be made better?

How important is your hometown to you?
Can you tell me about your hometown?
How has your hometown changed over the years?
Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
How often do you visit your hometown
How many people live in your hometown?
What kind of jobs do the people in your hometown do?
What is your hometown famous for?
What’s the oldest part of your hometown?
سوالات رایج مربوط به موضوع موسیقی
Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?
Do children have to learn to play a musical instrument at school in your country?
Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
What do you think is the best age to start learning to play a musical instrument?
What do you think would be the most difficult musical instrument to learn to play?
Do you think it is important to have a sense of humour? (Why)?
سخن آخر
در این مطلب تلاش کردیم تا مروری به بخشهای گوناگون اسپیکینگ آیلتس داشته باشیم. همچنین به مهمترین و رایجترین سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس اشاره کردیم. نکتۀ مهم است که با این سوالات آشنا شوید و تمرین کافی را در خصوص پاسخ به این سوالات داشته باشید.
اگر به دنبال کلاس خصوصی زبان برای تقویت مهارتهای چهارگانۀ خود هستید، کلاس خصوصی آیلتس ترجمیک را از دست ندهید!