آموزش جملات سوالی انگلیسی

آموزش کامل جملات سوالی با wh در زبان انگلیسی

در این مطلب از سایت تولید محتوای انگلیسی ترجمیک با یکی از مباحث مهم گرامری یعنی سوالات wh آشنا می‌شویم. همراه ما باشید تا همه انواع سوالاتی که با کلمات پرسشی wh شروع می‌شوند را زیر ذره‌بین بگذاریم و مثال های متعددی را بررسی کنیم.

این چیه؟ کجا برم؟ کی بیام؟ چجوری درست کنم؟ چی بخورم؟ این‌ها همه سوالاتی هستند که بخش زیادی از مکالمات روزمره ما را تشکیل می‌دهند. البته فراموش نکنید که ما در یک کشور فارسی‌زبان زندگی می‌کنیم و باز هم هنگام گفت و گو با اطرافیان‌مان سوالات زیادی داریم!

حال تصور کنید که به کشوری خارجی رفته‌اید. قطعا سوالات بیشتری خواهید داشت و باید با چگونگی سوال کردن به انگلیسی آشنا باشید و در غیر این صورت با مشکلات زیادی مواجه خواهید شد.

بسیاری از جملات سوالی انگلیسی با کلمات پرسشی whدار شروع می‌شوند و اتفاقا از مهم‌ترین مباحث دستور زبان انگلیسی هستند. فرقی ندارد که در چه مرحله‌ای از آموزش زبان قرار دارید، در هر صورت باید به این جملات پرسشی مسلط باشید. پس این آموزش ترجمیک را از دست ندهید.

مطالب مرتبط:

بررسی تفاوت‌ و کاربردهای Awhile و A while

نگاهی به مفهوم Wh- questions

wh-questionها دسته مشخصی از عبارات و جملات انگلیسی هستند که با کلمات سوالی خاصی شروع می‌شوند. این کلمات سوالی که در ابتدای خود wh دارند، اغلب وقتی می‌خواهیم درباره موضوعی اطلاعات به دست بیاوریم استفاده می‌شوند و بسیار پرکاربرد هستند. رایج‌ترین کلمات پرسشی انگلیسی عبارت هستند از:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why
  • Which
  • Whose
  • How

در ادامه با کاربرد همه این کلمات پرسشی آشنا می‌شویم.

پرکاربردترین کلمات پرسشی انگلیسی

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی who

برای سوال کردن درباره افراد از این کلمه پرسشی استفاده کنید. این کلمه پرسشی، معادل «چه کسی» است.



It’s our new teacher

او معلم جدید ماست.

Who is that

او کیست؟

I invited Maria, Lee, and Abdul

ماریا، لی و عبدل را دعوت کردم.

Who did you invite to your party

چه کسانی را به مهمانی دعوت کردی؟

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی What

کلمه پرسشی What به معنای «چیست» است و برای سوال کردن درباره اشیاء به کار می‌رود.



I love The Shawshank Redemption

من عاشق رستگاری در شاوشانگ هستم.

What is your favorite movie

فیلم موردعلاقه شما چیست؟

I did my homework

تکالیفم را انجام دادم.

What did you do last night

دیشب چه‌ کار کردی؟

نکته: What اغلب به همراه واژه time دیده می‌شود و برای پرسیدن ساعت مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد.



It’s 4:30

۴:۳۰ است.

What time is it

ساعت چنده؟

It starts at 8:00 pm

ساعت ۸ شروع میشه.

What time does the show start

برنامه چه ساعتی شروع میشه؟

نکته: همچنین می‌توانید برای پرسیدن درباره انتخاب و ترجیح افراد، what را قبل از یک کلمه دیگر بگذارید و مانند مثال‌های زیر جمله سوالی بسازید.



Let’s watch the new Star Wars

بیا جنگ ستارگان جدید رو ببینیم.

What movie do you want to watch

می‌خواهی چه فیلمی ببینی؟

I would like chocolate, please

بستنی شکلاتی می‌خوام لطفا.

What kind of ice cream do you want

چه جور بستنی‌ای می‌خواهی؟

کاربرد کلمه سوالی Where

کلمه پرسشی Where برای سوال درباره موقعیت مکانی افراد و اشیاء به کار می‌رود.



I live in California

در کالیفرنیا زندگی می‌کنم.

Where do you live

کجا زندگی می‌کنی؟

It’s on Somerset Street

در خیابان سامرست است.

Where is your school

مدرسه شما کجاست؟

کاربرد کلمه سوالی When

برای سوال کردن درباره زمان، سراغ کلمه پرسشی When بروید. حتی می‌توانید آن را با عبارت what time جایگزین کنید.



I start next month

ماه بعدی شروع می‌کنم.

When do you start your new job

کار جدیدت رو چه زمانی شروع می‌کنی؟

It starts at 9:00 am

ساعت ۹ شروع می‌شه.

When does the class start

کلاس چه ساعتی شروع می‌شه؟

It starts at 9:00 am

ساعت ۹ شروع می‌شه.

What time does the class start

کلاس چه ساعتی شروع می‌شه؟

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی Why

اگر درباره دلیل چیزی سوال داشتید، کلمه پرسشی Why در خدمت شماست!



I like it because I can learn new things

مطالعه را دوست دارم چون باعث میشه چیزای جدید یاد بگیرم.

Why do you like reading so much

چرا این‌قدر به مطالعه علاقه داری؟

I called you to invite you to my party.

بهت زنگ زدم تا به مهمونیم دعوتت کنم.

Why did you call me

چرا باهام تماس گرفتی؟

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی Which

برای پرسیدن درباره ترجیحات و انتخاب‌های افراد، باید از واژه سوالی Which استفاده کنید.



I prefer chicken

مرغ رو رو ترجیح می‌دم.

Which one do you prefer, chicken or steak

کدوم رو ترجیح می‌دی؟ مرغ یا استیک؟

I decided to wear the black one

تصمیم گرفتم مشکیه رو بپوشم.

Which dress did you decide to wear

کدوم لباس رو برای پوشیدن انتخاب می‌کنی؟

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی Whose

برای سوال کردن درباره مالک اشیاء از کلمه پرسشی Whose استفاده کنید.



It’s mine

مال منه.

Whose book is this

این کتاب مال کیه؟

I borrowed my friend’s car

ماشین دوستم رو قرض گرفتم.

Whose car did you borrow

ماشین کی رو قرض گرفتی؟

کاربرد کلمه پرسشی How

همان‌طورکه احتمالا متوجه شدید، How با سایر کلمات پرسشی که تا اینجا معرفی کردیم متفاوت است و با wh شروع نمی‌شود. با این حال یکی از مهم‌ترین کلمات پرسشی به حساب می‌آید و برای پرسیدن درباره راه و روش انجام کاری استفاده می‌شود.



You have to hold down the power button

باید دکمه پاور رو نگه داری.

How do you turn on this computer

چه‌جوری این کامپیوتر رو روشن می‌کنی؟

It went well

خوب بود.

How did your presentation go

ارائه‌ات چه‌طور بود؟

کلمه پرسشی How می‌تواند برای سوال درباره احساسات افراد نیز استفاده شود.



I’m fine


How are you


I’m nervous


How do you feel

چه احساسی داری؟

Not great. I caught a cold

خوب نیستم. سرما خوردم.

How are you feeling

چه احساسی داری؟

اگر often را به کلمه پرسشی How اضافه کنیم، می‌توانیم درباره تعداد دفعات انجام کاری سوال کنیم. علاوه بر این، How much و How many نیز به ترتیب برای پرسیدن درباره قیمت و تعداد استفاده می‌شوند.



I brush my teeth twice a day

دو بار در روز مسواک می‌زنم.

How often do you brush your teeth

چند وقت یک بار دندان‌هایت را مسواک می‌کنی؟

It costs $75.00

۷۵ دلاره

How much does this jacket cost

قیمت این ژاکت چقدر است؟

We have two

دو تا سگ دارم.

How many dogs do you have

چند تا سگ داری؟

مطالب مرتبط:

آموزش کامل گرامر either or و neither nor

چگونه wh-question بسازیم؟

برای ساخت جملات سوالی با کلمات پرسشی whدار، دو فرمول وجود دارد. یک فرمول برای ساخت جملات سوالی با افعال کمکی، مدال ورب‌ها و فعل‌های to be و فرمول دوم برای ساخت جملات سوالی با همه انواع فعل‌ها.

فرمول ساخت جملات سوالی انگلیسی

فرمول اول: ساخت جمله سوالی با افعال کمکی، مدال ورب‌ها و فعل‌های to be

اگر جمله شما دارای یک فعل کمکی مدال ورب یا فعل to be f,n، برای ساخت wh-question از فرمول زیر استفاده کنید.

کلمه سوالی+ فعل کمکی، مدال ورب یا فعل to be+ فاعل+ بقیه جمله

بقیه جمله


فعل کمکی، مدال ورب یا فعل to be

کلمه سوالی


the sister



begin boarding

the flight to Arizona

should when



How many desserts

been wishing for

the children



مطالب مرتبط:

آموزش کامل افعال کمکی در زبان انگلیسی

فرمول دوم: ساخت جمله سوالی بدون فعل کمکی

ممکن است جمله شما هیچ فعل کمکی یا مدال وربی نداشته باشد. در این صورت برای ساخت جمله سوالی با کلمات پرسشی whدار باید فرمول زیر را الگو قرار دهید.

کلمه سوالی+ do یا مشتقات آن+ فاعل+ ریشه فعل اصلی+ بقیه جمله

بقیه جمله

ریشه فعل اصلی


do یا مشتقات آن

کلمه سوالی



those cookies



where the food is


your cat



our home


the owls



to start today


the rain



+۱۰۰ مثال رایج و متداول ازسوالات whدار به همراه پاسخ

He is my brotherWho is he
My best friend is AliWho is your best friend
It’s my momWho is on the phone
Chris did itWho did it
I met a new studentWho did you meet
My dad made itWho made this cake
I think Sarah will winWho do you think will win
I want someWho wants some ice cream
My teacher said thatWho said that
My dad is strongerWho is stronger
My mom is the most beautifulWho is the most beautiful
Kevin is the fastestWho is the fastest
Our team won the gameWho won the game
My friend told me thatWho told you that
I canWho can answer this question
My parents are my role modelsWho are your role models
All team members will attend the meetingWho will be attending the meeting
Neil Armstrong was the firstWho wrote this book
Nicholas-Jacques Conte invented itWho invented the pencil
Isaac Newton discovered itWho discovered the law of gravity
My favorite author is Roald DahlWho is your favorite author
Neil Armstrong was firstWho was the first person to land on the moon
Alexander Graham Bell invented itWho invented the telephone
The president was Joe BidenWho was the president in 2023
You should contact customer serviceWho should I contact for more information
It’s a penWhat is it
This is a bookWhat‘s this
That is a catWhat‘s that
My name is JohnWhat‘s your name
My last name is SmithWhat‘s your last name
It’s MondayWhat day is it today
It’s sunnyWhat‘s the weather like today
I am readingWhat are you doing
It’s 3 PMWhat time is it
I want to eat pizzaWhat do you want to eat
I would like some waterWhat would you like
I want to be a doctorWhat do you want to be
My favorite food is spaghettiWhat‘s your favorite food
I am a studentWhat do you do
I am a teacherWhat‘s your job
My father is an engineerWhat does your father do
She has long hairWhat does she look like
I have a pencilWhat do you have
I have books in my bagWhat do you have in your bag
I am in 5th gradeWhat grade are you in
I played soccerWhat did you do yesterday
I go to bed at 9 PMWhat time do you go to bed
Our homework is to read this bookWhat is our homework today
I am good at drawingWhat are you good at
I read for funWhat do you do for fun
I listen to musicWhat do you do in your spare time
My birthday is on January 1stWhen is your birthday
I was born in 1999When were you born
The field trip is on FridayWhen is the field trip
Their anniversary is in JuneWhen is their anniversary
The party starts at 6 PMWhen does the party start
I do my homework at 5 PMWhen do you do your homework
Banks are open on weekdaysWhen are the banks open
The train arrives at 4 PMWhen does the train arrive
Class finishes at 3 PMWhen does the class finish
I’m free on weekendsWhen are you free
We should meet at noonWhen should we meet
I finish work at 6 PMWhen will you finish work
Dinner is ready at 7 PMWhen is dinner ready
I get up at 7 AMWhen do you get up
The movie starts at 9 PMWhen does the movie start
The First World War started in 1914When did the First World War start
The next solar eclipse is in AugustWhen is the next solar eclipse
I went on vacation last DecemberWhen did you last go on vacation
The deadline is next MondayWhen is the deadline for this project
The store restocks every TuesdayWhen will the store restock
Daylight savings time begins in MarchWhen does daylight savings time begin
I saw her last monthWhen was the last time you saw her
Concert tickets go on sale next weekWhen will the concert tickets go on sale
The next full moon is tonightWhen is the next full moon
I started learning English five years agoWhen did you start learning English
The next season premieres in the fallWhen will the next season of the show premiere
Taxes are due in AprilWhen are taxes due
The best time to plant roses is in the springWhen is the best time to plant roses
It’s in your backpackWhere is my pencil case
The post office is down the streetWhere is the post office
I am from CanadaWhere are you from
She lives in New YorkWhere does she live
Chris and Kelly are from AustraliaWhere are Chris and Kelly from
Canada is north of the USA on the mapWhere is Canada on the map
I eat lunch in the cafeteriaWhere do you eat lunch
I want to eat lunch at the pizza placeWhere do you want to eat lunch
I work in an officeWhere do you work
My school is near the parkWhere is your school
I went to the mountains last weekendWhere did you go last weekend
I bought the dress at the mallWhere did you buy that dress
I was at home yesterdayWhere were you yesterday
The meeting was in the conference roomWhere was the meeting
Where can I find a good pizza placeWhere is the nearest hospital
I left the car keys on the kitchen counterWhere did you leave the car keys
We are meeting for dinner at the Italian restaurantWhere are we meeting for dinner
The best place to see the sunset is by the lakeWhere is the best place to see the sunset
I studied at the University of TorontoWhere did you study
The event will be held in the city hallWhere will the event be held
Catch the bus to the city center at the main stationWhere can I catch the bus to the city center
The nearest ATM is next to the supermarketWhere is the nearest ATM
In five years, I see myself advancing in my careerWhere do you see yourself in five years
The famous Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, FranceWhere is the famous Eiffel Tower located
Because I got good newsWhy are you so happy
Because I’m sadWhy are you crying
Because there was trafficWhy were you late
Because I was curiousWhy did you do that
Maybe he made a mistakeWhy do you think he did that
To communicate globallyWhy do we need to study English
He might be unhappy with thingsWhy does he always complain
To stay healthyWhy do people exercise
To celebrate the birth of JesusWhy do people celebrate Christmas
Due to manufacturing and materials costWhy are cars so expensive
To promote equality and disciplineWhy do students have to wear school uniforms
I have a doctor’s appointmentWhy can’t you come to school tomorrow
Because of the way light scattersWhy is the sky blue
It’s part of the water cycleWhy does it rain
Due to the tilt of the Earth’s axisWhy are the seasons different around the world
I am passionate about this fieldWhy did you choose this career
For rest and repair of our bodiesWhy do we have to sleep
It is vital for all living thingsWhy is water essential for life
Due to their immune system reactionsWhy are some people allergic to certain foods
To save natural resourcesWhy is recycling important
It hit an icebergWhy did the Titanic sink
It is a masterpiece of artWhy is the Mona Lisa so famous
To communicate or warn othersWhy do dogs bark
Due to historical and cultural evolutionWhy are there so many languages
For a new job opportunityWhy did you move to this city
From their diet of shrimp and algaeWhy are flamingos pink
Due to habitat loss and low birth ratesWhy are pandas endangered
I prefer the blue oneWhich do you prefer? The red one or the blue one
I like Mr. Smith the mostWhich teacher do you like the most
I like Mr. Smith the mostWhich teacher do you like the most
I would like to borrow your science bookWhich of my books would you like to borrow
It is the third oneWhich one is it
The library is that way, to the leftWhich way is it to the library
Let’s go to the Italian restaurantWhich restaurant shall we go to
I like the green dressWhich dress do you like
I think the Wildcats will winWhich team do you think will win
Mount Everest is the tallestWhich mountain is the tallest in the world
The elephant is biggerWhich one is bigger
The black one is mineWhich one is mine
The chocolate one tastes betterWhich one tastes better
Paris is known as the ‘City of Lights’Which city is known as the ‘City of Lights’
Mercury is closest to the sunWhich planet is closest to the sun
China has the largest populationWhich country has the largest population
I am currently reading ‘Harry Potter’Which book are you reading currently
My favorite movie is ‘The Lion King’Which is your favorite movie
I like ‘Shape of You’ the mostWhich song do you like the most
I dislike broccoliWhich food do you dislike
I want to learn SpanishWhich language do you want to learn
I prefer ToyotaWhich car brand do you prefer
I like rock musicWhich type of music do you like
I love spring the mostWhich season do you like the most
My favorite subject is mathematicsWhich is your favorite subject in school
I admire Nelson Mandela the mostWhich historical figure do you admire the most
I appreciate Van Gogh’s work the mostWhich artist’s work do you appreciate the most
I recommend visiting HawaiiWhich vacation spot do you recommend
I attended Harvard UniversityWhich university did you attend
I plan to take a psychology course next semesterWhich course are you planning to take next semester
I am good, thank youHow are you
I am 20 years oldHow old are you
There are five pencilsHow many pencils are there
My vacation was greatHow was your vacation
He is 6 feet tallHow tall is he
The house is very bigHow big is the house
The river is 500 miles longHow long is the river
The restaurant is 2 miles awayHow far is the restaurant
I exercise three times a weekHow often do you exercise
I followed the instructionsHow did you do that
Boil water, add pasta, and cook for 10 minutesHow do you cook spaghetti
Practice speaking and reading every dayHow can I improve my English
It is $50How much is it
I brush my teeth twice a dayHow many times do you brush your teeth a day
Through careful planningHow is that possible
It heats food using radiationHow does a microwave work
Walk two blocks down and turn rightHow can I get to the nearest subway station
My family is doing wellHow is your family doing
I meditate and exerciseHow do you manage stress
I watch movies every weekendHow often do you watch movies
It’s leading to warmer temperaturesHow is climate change affecting our world
Follow the setup guideHow do I install this software
I can speak two languagesHow many languages can you speak
Turn off taps and fix leaksHow can we conserve water
This book has 300 pagesHow many pages are in this book
We met in schoolHow did you meet your best friend
It takes 30 minutes to drive to the airportHow much time does it take to drive to the airport
Plants convert sunlight into energyHow does photosynthesis work

سخن پایانی

در این مطلب با یکی از مهم‌ترین مباحث گرامر انگلیسی یعنی جملات سوالی wh یا wh-questionها آشنا شدیم و همه نکات مربوط به آن را مرور کردیم. برای آموزش بیشتر در زمینه زبان انگلیسی وبلاگ ترجمیک را دنبال کنید.

سایت سفارش تولید محتوا ترجمیک علاوه بر زبان انگلیسی در سایر زبان‌ها نیز فعالیت دارد و به تولید محتوای سئوشده می‌پردازد. برای اطلاع از هزینه تولید محتوا متنی کلیک کنید.

4 دیدگاه در «آموزش کامل جملات سوالی با wh در زبان انگلیسی»

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